


发布于2020年2月24日12:00 AM


County Farm Bureaus have been working with teachers to introduce students to agriculture through Ag in the Classroom (AITC) since the 1980s. Now, many counties are expanding their AITC efforts to work with school nutrition staff. 

Most counties working with nutrition staff can trace their efforts back to 2011 when the Georgia Departments of Agriculture and 教育 began the Feed My School for a Week Program. This program aims to get locally grown food into school cafeterias and make kids excited to eat healthy.

Another program that’s given county Farm Bureaus a chance to work with school nutrition staff is the Golden Radish Award. This award is presented to school systems each fall by the Georgia Departments of Agriculture, 教育, 早期治疗 & 学习ing and Public Health, UGA Cooperative Extension and Georgia Organics.



(图片由巴罗公司提供. 学校系统)



学校系统可以获得白金, 黄金, 银, bronze or honorary recognition for meeting criteria that include: serving locally grown items in the cafeteria; students taste testing fresh, locally grown food; farmers visiting the school or students visiting a farm; students doing cooking/food activities; teachers integrating farm to school lessons into their curriculum; growing edible gardens; engaging parents or community members in the farm to school program; and school staff taking farm to school professional training.


For several years 巴罗县 Farm Bureau (BCFB) has provided seeds for all the school gardens in 巴罗县 to grow vegetables like 羽衣甘蓝, 莴苣和萝卜, BCFB办公室经理Staci Waters说. The vegetables are served in the school cafeterias or used for classroom taste tests.

BCFB成员Missy Crane, 谁在她的农场种蔬菜, 经常访问学校,帮助老师种植和收获庄稼.

Waters represents BCFB in the 巴罗县 Farm to School Booster Club working closely with the school district nutritionist and other ag organizations. Each year the club holds a dinner to raise funds for school gardens and ag education projects. 去年的晚宴筹集了6000多美元.

“I go into the classrooms and start talking about different aspects of agriculture, 孩子们很喜欢,沃特斯说.


The Treutlen县 Schools (TCS) nutrition program has been implementing farm to school concepts in its cafeterias for 8 years, TCS食品服务部主任阿莱西亚·“瑞德”·巴雷特说, 谁是在会议上知道这个概念的.

“When I took this concept back to the kids, I saw how much it excited them. It made learning fun, and they needed to know where their food comes from,” Barrett said.

Barrett reached out to the Treutlen县 Farm Bureau in 2014 seeking help to install school gardens. 从那时起, TCFB has helped install numerous garden beds at the county’s K-12 grade school, secured a USDA grant to fund a greenhouse for the high school students and gave fruit trees for the school’s campus.

在秋天, 学生种植胡萝卜, 羽衣甘蓝, 芥菜, 羽衣甘蓝, 球芽甘蓝和萝卜在学校餐中使用. 春天他们种西红柿, cucumbers and peppers that are used in the school’s summer lunch program.

Barrett introduced TCFB to teachers willing to let the county visit their classes to do AITC lessons.

“Red has been our liaison to the teachers,” TCFB President Kim Thompson said.

去年夏天, 汤普森和TCFB办公室经理多丽丝·沃诺克使用的是1美元,000 grant from the Georgia Foundation for Agriculture to provide five weekly ag programs for the county summer lunch program. Each week TCFB presented programs on various vegetables, peanuts and planting seeds.

“我们带了新鲜的玉米给学生去壳, 豌豆,让它们去壳, peanut plants so they could see how peanuts grow underground and let them plant their own tomato seeds,汤普森说. “我知道这很难相信,因为我们是一个农村县, 但他们对玉米的理解是从罐头里拿出来的, 我们的孩子认为花生长在树上.


切罗基县 Farm Bureau partnered with Georgia Organics in 2011 to start the county’s Farm to School program, CCFB办公室经理雪莉·帕尔说. 如今,项目委员会包括教师和营养主管, 扩展员工, 农民和园艺大师.

“我们的主要重点是教育. We wanted to be able to go to more schools to teach the children where their food comes from and the farm to school program was a good way to do it,帕尔说.

在过去的九年里, Pahl says CCFB has given materials for school garden beds or helped build garden beds at the county’s 11 elementary schools.

CCFB also annually hosts summer workshops for teachers and nutrition staff that take school staff to farms to let them see how farmers are growing crops and livestock. The workshops include chefs demonstrating recipes teachers can make in their classes.


去年8月, Habersham县 Farm Bureau hosted a workshop for 78 nutrition managers who work in the county’s 13 schools ranging from elementary to high school. Habersham县 staff and volunteers taught the school nutrition employees how to hold taste tests for different food items with their students as a way to get them to try new food.

“Holding this workshop introduced the nutrition managers to the Ag in the Classroom resources Farm Bureau can offer,HCFB办公室经理贾斯汀·帕尔默说. “现在一所学校正在培育一个学校花园. I can’t stress enough the importance of making a connection with your school nutrition director. It’s another way to get into schools if you don’t have an in with a teacher or a principal.”

HCFB is making plans to host another workshop for school nutrition staff. This time the focus will be on introducing staff to 乔治亚州农场局 认证农贸市场 that can supply the schools with locally grown food.